A Different Type of Green.

Energy is changing. Olive Green can help you navigate the transition. 

We are a boutique consultancy focused on helping our clients navigate the electrification and decentralisation of energy. We believe that proactive engagement with the transition will best place organisations to exploit the emerging opportunities. 

Our clients are both end consumers and companies companies providing products and services in this space.



A Different Type of Green

Renewable Power

Understand the effects of both your own and others' renewable generation.

Energy Storage

Understand the effects of adding storage to your energy systems. 

Revenues & Costs

Understand long term cashflows to financially assess options. 


Understand the power and energy requirements of Heat & Fleet electricification. 


Navigate the transition, one step at a time, exploit opportunities and avoid deadends.

Olive Green: The Minifesto

Energy is changing.

This is happening globally at both macro and micro scales, in generation and demand, as new technologies are rolled out at pace. The direction is forwards, the momentum is building. It is an unstoppable energy revolution.

However we feel about this is irrelevant. The wave is coming, and everyone is going to get wet. We can sit on the beach and command the tide to turn, or grab our surfboards and paddle out.

Back in the mid-2010s, I was hearing that renewables would provide unpredictable generation, that the grid wouldn't be able to cope with. I was also hearing that electric cars would require lots of additional power, that the grid wouldn't be able to cope with.

When you are siloed, you can only see problems. Taking a holistic approach, considering the context, the opportunities emerge. Back then the answer was immediately obvious, and now I charge my EV in the middle of the night, when the demand for grid power is low, and energy is cheapest.

I've founded Olive Green to help companies and organisations navigate the transition. This will predominantly be electrification driven by decarbonisation. These changes to Heat & Fleet will impact power and energy requirements, and the compound effect of multiple changes makes for a complex problem space. This is the focus of our support.

Whilst the scope and scale of the change may be daunting, there are as many opportunities as there are threats. Finding the fundable and sensible steps through this space is how we can help.

I am genuinely optimistic and excited about an electric future. I want everyone to embrace the change and join me in a 21st Century which is cleaner, quieter, more reliable, safer, cheaper and has much, much better acceleration.

-Bob Hicks

Founder of Olive Green

Are you ready for the Future?

Olive Green Advisory Services - Company number 16067652

Get in touch with us

Drop us an email if you would like to discuss how Olive Green can help your organisation.